Way to go! We had nearly 25 people attend the CERT training over the last week. The group was compiled of staff and residents of the San Marcos Christian Camp (thank you so much for hosting and the yummy lunch!), a resident of the Trout Club, Santa Barbara, and 17 Painted Cave residents - nearly, if not all, Mountain Ember Team members, most of which are also members of the WRA. It was really fantastic to see the resiliency, resourcefulness, and advanced awareness of hazards that makes our mountain community members so unique. The last day drill was an excellent exercise for the Camp to do a test run for their fire preparedness, as well as to reinforce what we had learned over this 20 hour course. We hope that there is an opportunity to conduct additional drills, specific to the other mountain communities. There is one final, but separate class (open to all) this Wednesday for CPR/First Aid certification. A huge thank you to the Wildland Residents Association for organizing this training - it was fantastic!
If anyone took pictures.... please post them!
Way to go gang! So excited that we had such a great turn out. I feel safer knowing you are all trained and ready!
CERTifiable is correct alright
Here is the certifiable crew!