Hello MET,
I have found these meetings to be very valuable. Whoever posts calendar events (I didn't see the latest on the site?) may want to include these meetings on the calendar.
BOD & General Membership Meeting January 2,2020
The monthly FS Council BOD meeting
Meeting Information: BOD meeting 0900-1030 hrs.
When: Thursday, January 2, 2020
Where: Santa Barbara County EOC, 4408 Cathedral Oaks Road., Santa Barbara, California
Who should attend:
BOD and General Members, and anyone else who is interested in current events regarding fuels management, and wildfire prevention and preparedness.
John Ahlman, Chairman Santa Barbara County Fire Safe Council
Hi Gordon! Thank you so much for this - I wasn't aware that it was an open membership organization. Great information. I'll try to see it gets up on the calendar.
Thank you for this information, I am hoping to meet up with you there.