Hi all! I'm sure many of you are aware of the intended burn in Painted Cave that was slated to occur today and tomorrow. It is currently not a burn day, and likely, tomorrow will be the same.
Two years ago, County Fire began a fuel break operation on the hillside below the Rim Rd trail on Uwe Kleinschmidt's property. This was with funds for the recently completed Wildfire Protection Plan. Over time, the brush piles became overgrown and there was concern that this project would get lost in the shuffle. County Fire has made it a priority this year to complete it. A number of the piles have been rehabbed and cleared and I can only imagine the work will continue as they prepare for the pile burns. They laid out hose yesterday and established a 'pumpkin' (water reservoir). Since the weather is not favorable for a burn, it will likely be rescheduled.
The MET intends to stage one or both patrol trucks in the community as a precaution. I will send out a notification the morning of the burn when it happens, so that everyone will be able to close their windows.
Here is a link to the County Fire press release - https://www.sbcfire.com/article/18707-painted-cave-burn-press-release
And here is a link to the burn status that is updated daily at 6pm. https://sbc-gis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6bac3a556566496487e8d2de9bf22dc1
For reference - the second picture is from our house on Lookout! Rd.