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Educational Videos
We can all help make the our community a safer place by learning more about how and why wildfires start and what to do during an incident. Below is a compilation of educational videos to help you understand the basics of fire behavior and safety. Check back often for new content.
VIDEO - 2hr 36 min
MET CDT Training (Zoom)
CDT Training (Zoom) - October 18, 2021. Mountain Ember Team's (MET) Community Defense Team (CDT) annual wildfire training via Zoom presented by Phil Seymour, CDT Co-chair.
VIDEO - 4:17
Wildfire Ember Highlights
CDT Training Video 3 - In this experiment, researchers recreated an ember storm to study how a typical home holds up in wildfire conditions. The U.S. Forest Service and the International Association of Fire Chiefs have verified that the ember storm simulation is a realistic demonstration of a typical wildfire event.
VIDEO - 20:09
Using Water Effectively in the Wildland/Urban Interface
This video is incredibly informative showing different ways of using water effectively in interface firefighting and provides examples of techniques or strategies including planning and locating water sources, accessing those water sources for supply; and testing and maintaining the source.
VIDEO - 20:51
Fire Behavior in the Wildland/Urban Interface
CDT Training Video 1 - Discusses structural vs. wildland fire operations, methods of heat transfer, fuel types and effects, weather, topography and how it effects wildland fire, and extreme fire behavior.
VIDEO - 14:00
Intro to Fire Behavoir
NWCG Video: Used in FS 2815: Wildland Patterns and FS-1504 Intro to Wildland Firefighting
VIDEO - 2:23
Propane Tank Explosion
A propane tank BLEVE will occur when the container is subject to extreme heat, such as in a fire. While the tank is being heated, the liquid propane inside is being heated causing it to expand. The safety relief valve will open allowing pressure to vent to the outside atmosphere.
VIDEO - 17:34
LA County - Wildland Structure Defense
CDT Training Video 2 - Presented by LACoFD, utilizing the Risk Management Process while engaging in structure defense tactics
VIDEO - 20:46
LCES: Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes, Safety Zones
LCES: Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes, Safety Zones - Look up. Look down. Look around.