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Ways to Get Involved

Volunteers are the fuel that powers the Mountain Ember Team. We encourage you to find an area of interest (or two, or three...) that you can contribute towards and pitch in as much or as little as you can. With every new volunteer MET gets more energized and better equipped to reach our goals of protecting our irreplaceable communities.

Community Defense Team (CDT)


Community Defense Team members are committed to defending their homes and assisting others in the event of a major fire.  Commitments will include training time, drills, and potential investments in personal protective gear and equipment.  Participation in formal planning meetings is recommended but optional.

Contact Phil Seymour for the training schedule or visit the Community Defense Team Forum page to be part of the conversation. 

Equipment and Logistics Maintenance


Our equipment and tools are the crux of our efforts. It's imperative we keep them in a ready-to-go state to defend against embers during a wildfire and for ease-of-use during our annual vegetation management efforts.   


Contact the MET Board if you have a knack for the mechanical and would like to help with the maintenance of our tools. 

Vegetation Management


Help us build and maintain community defensible space that will assist in protecting our homes during a wildfire. Check the community calendar weekly for the following fuel maintenance volunteer days:

  • Brush Clearing

  • Controlled Burns

  • Chipping

  • Weed Whipping

  • Environmental Monitoring

Contact the MET Board for more information. 

Evacuation Preparation and Planning


A wildfire can impact our communities anytime of day or night when it's least expected. To be best prepared for successful evacuation a community wide plan is needed. 

Contact Phil Seymour if you'd like to assist in formulating an evacuation playbook. 

Board of Directors


The Mountain Ember Team holds annual elections for the Board of Directors voted on by MET members. The current Board of Directors is:

  • President: Brandon Kaysen

  • Vice-President: Ina Brittian

  • Secretary: Jenny VanSeters

  • Treasurer: Cheryl Baker

  • Recorder: Mauren Byers

  • Directors: Alan Struebing, Carla D'Antonio, Nick Hart, Mike Baker, Phil Seymour


Contact the MET if interested in participating on the Board. 



Fundraising is critical to the success of the Mountain Ember Team. If you are interested in assisting the MET with fundraising and/or grant writing please let us know.

Contact Phil Seymour, MET President, for more information or to help. 

Look-back: MET Community Event, July 15, 2023

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