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Get to know the MET Board of Directors

The MET's Board of Directors plays an essential role in the success of our organization and realizing its mission. Help keep the momentum going by running for election! Being on the MET Board is a fun way to serve your community, get to know your neighbors and contribute to the critical tasks of educating and preparing our community for wildfire. 

What does the MET Board of Directors do?

  • Supports the organization’s performance in realizing its mission and achieving its goals.

  • Engages in strategic and organizational long-range planning

  • Ensures fiduciary oversight and financial management

  • Focuses on fundraising and securing grant monies

  • Acts as a watchdog to insure transparency in its operation

What are the individual responsibilities of the Directors?

  • Attend and prepare for monthly 1.5- to 2-hour Board meetings.

  • Maintain regular contact via email or phone with other Board members between meetings as issues arise for Board consideration or action.

  • Maintain familiarity with the MET’s mission, policies, programs and needs.

  • Serve as an active advocate and MET ambassador.

What opportunities does the MET Board offer? 

  • To give back and be of service to your community.

  • To work with dedicated, resourceful, imaginative, intelligent and FUN fellow Board members.

  • To bask in the appreciation received for putting specific talents to good use for the common good.

  • To enjoy a sense of accomplishment in knowing that you’re one of those who are helping keep Painted Cave safe.

What is a term?

  • Newly elected directors will serve for two (2) years, joining continuing Board members

  • After your term expires you may re-run for re-election

  • There are no limits to the amount of terms you may serve upon election​



Current Board of Directors


Brandon Kaysen


Ina Brittain



Jenny VanSetters



Cheryl Baker



Maureen Byers



Phil Seymour

Carla D'Antonio

Nick Hart

Alan Struebing

Role Descriptions

Past Directors

Fraser Kersey 

Dennis Clegg: 2019-2022

Jenny Van Seters: 2019-2023
David Dellinger: 2020-2022

Nic Proctor: 2019-2022

Ina Brittain: 2019-2020

Jessica Tunny: 2019-2020

Rex Stephens: 2019

Interested in joining the Board? 


Being a Board member entails a commitment to participate in monthly meetings (3rd Wed. of each month)—now online—and in activities related to MET as per your expertise. If you don’t want to run for the Board yourself, but know a good candidate, nominate another MET member to run.   


1. You must be a current (paid up) Mountain Ember Team member;

2. You may nominate another MET member or yourself;

3. Current directors with expiring terms may run again.

4. Candidates are elected by a simple majority of votes from the registered MET members. 


For more information or to submit your interest contact




Painted Cave and Surrounding Communities, Santa Barbara, CA 93105    |

© 2024 Mountain Ember Team, Santa Barbara, CA

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