Be Wildfire Prepared! Learn more
Resources and Equipment to Protect Your Home from Wildfire

Get Ready NOW!
Don't wait to prepare yourself and your home for a wildfire. If you plan to stay and defend your home it's urged you take the time NOW to educate yourself on fire behavior and firefighting tactics well in advance of a fire. Use the following list as a guide to getting started:
Outfit Yourself with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
​Boots, Nomex Pants and Shirt, Gloves, Hardhat/Helmet, Face Shield, Headlamp and Hand-held Radio.
Home Defense Firefighting Equipment:
Hose and Fittings, Water Tank, Pump, Hand Tools
Learn Fire Behavior & Proper Firefighting Tactics:
Fire Triangle, Terrain, Ember Storms, Fog vs Straight Stream​, How to Safely Approach Flames, Know When to Leave, Use of Hand Tools, Mop-up, Fire Following Tactics.
Email Phil Seymour to find out more about the Community Defense Team and the 2023 training schedule.
Painted Cave Wildfire Evacuation Guide
Living in a high fire danger zone requires planning and preparation before an incident occurs. Regularly performing fire safety measures inside and outside of your home frees up precious time for taking care of the final preparations before a wildfire evacuation is ordered. To help you get ready well ahead of time, we've created the MET Painted Cave Wildfire Evacuation Guide and the MET Emergency Evacuation List to download and print.

Download the MET Emergency Evacuation List (PDF)
Home Fire Defense Kit
If you want to equip your home with a fire defense kit here are some recommendations on what to include:
External Water Tank (Min. of 500 Gallons, 1000 Preferred)
Hose Wrench and Hose Clamp
200' of 1" Hose
Reducer(s), if connecting to a hydrant
Water Pump
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Supplies can be purchased at a variety of fire equipment suppliers, including:
Joy Equipment Protection Inc, Carpinteria, CA
Primo Supply, Online Store
Forestry Supplies, Online Store
FireHoseDirect, Online Store
Prepare for Wildfire
Are you as prepared as you could be? Take the 5-minute CalFire Survey to see what else you can do to protect your home: ​​
Community Maps, Plans, and Ember Station Information
Below is a list of downloadable documents including community maps, county plans, and ember station info.
Public Safety Information
Protecting Your Home from a Wildfire (US Forest Service)
Los Padres Current Fire Restrictions (Forest Service)
Local Weather Links
Windy Weather radar, wind and waves forecast. Worldwide animated weather map.
Peak Cameras