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Pay with Paypal

Individual: $50 / year*
Household: $80 / year**

Dues for individuals and households joining the Mountain Ember Team between July 1st and December 1st of any year will be discounted by 50% respectively. Upon the close of the calendar year, all memberships will expire and will need to be renewed.

**A household membership includes two individuals.

Click the "Renew / Join Now" button to fill out an online MET Questionnaire. Please complete one form for each member. Once submitted, send your Annual Membership dues to the Mountain Ember Team using either Paypal or Check. See details below. 

Ways to Pay:


1. Paypal
2. Check

Payable to: Mountain Ember Team

Mail to: 4894 Ogram Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105

(or drop into the MET mailbox, bottom row of the community mailboxes)

Become a MET Member Today!

The Mountain Ember Team (MET) is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization dedicated to the safety and well-being of the mountain community in the Painted Cave and San Marcos Pass areas through education, training, disaster preparation and community defense in the event of fires or other natural disasters.

We are an inclusive and transparent organization and our membership plays an integral role in everything we do.  We depend on the voluntary participation of individuals residing in our community who choose to join this vital effort by becoming MET members.

It's Easy to Become a Member:​

  1. You must be 18 years or older and;

  2. You must reside or own property that is accessed either from Painted Cave Road or from East Camino Cielo Road between Highway 154 and Knapp’s Castle. If you fulfill both requirements continue to step 3.

  3. Click on the JOIN NOW button at right to fill out a required Membership Questionnaire for each new member.

  4. Once completed, send payment using one of the two methods shown in the "Ways to Pay" section, to the right.

Don't live in the Painted Cave community but want to support the MET? We will soon have an option for supporters to become a "Friend of the MET". 

Membership Benefis

Membership Benefits:

The Mountain Ember Team is an inclusive and transparent organization and our members play an integral role in everything we do.  As a MET member you will:​​

  • Feel empowered, knowing that you are making a significant contribution to the well-being of your community. At times when things in the bigger picture feel way beyond our control, taking action on a local level reminds us that we do have the ability to make positive change in the world.

  • Feel safer, because you will not only be an active participant in insuring the safety of your community, you will also have insider knowledge of the scope of the work being done through the MET Board and through all the various committees.

  • Join one of our Board approved committees where your talents and expertise will be put to good use, or suggest the formation of a new committee for Board consideration.

  • Get to know and work with some incredible individuals who also happen to be your neighbors.

  • Be able to attend any Board of Directors or Committee meetings where your voice and opinions will be sought, heard and appreciated. 

  • Be welcome, following established procedures, to view MET organization records.

  • Be an important voting participant in the annual election of members of the Board of Directors. You will also have the opportunity to propose and vote on resolutions and other measures submitted to the membership by the Board.

  • Be able to become, if nominated and duly elected, a vital member of the Mountain Ember Team Board of Directors.

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