Hi all - our 'new' patrol truck is officially insured. New tires will be put on tomorrow and we will be able to pick up the WRA's chipper. We're looking at chipping on Saturday with the main priority being the park at the end of Lookout where there was extensive clearing to make way for the 5,000 gallon water tank that was installed last month. We will make as much progress throughout the community as we can, and hopefully continue on Sunday - personpower and weather permitting.
The intent in the future is to establish a known chipping schedule, but until we have a chipper of our own, this will be subject to the availability of the WRA's chipper.
Please make sure that your brush piles contain no vines, trash, and are stacked so that pulling is from the street side. Any piles containing trash or vines will be bypassed and left for the homeowner to be responsible for. Thank you!