The Mountain Ember Team is committed to your safety. As part of our desire to keep you as safe and informed as possible, we have partnered with the In-telligent app. Download the app today to stat receiving important alerts.
What is In-telligent:
The In-telligent app is a personal safety and emergency communications platform designed to keep you safer and more informed during emergency situations and time-sensitive events. These events may include times when your personal safety is threatened by a wildfire or severe weather, or your commute home may be impacted by a road closure on Hwy 154. The app is set up to have different levels of alerts, with corresponding tones depending on the level of emergency. Some notices may be simply informational, while others may override the silent mode on your phone to wake you in the event of a critical emergency.
Why do I want it?
In-telligent allows us to send you critical and time-sensitive messages pertaining to Painted Cave and surrounding areas. First and fast communication from In-telligent can mean the difference between life and death, making it an absolutely essential tool in keeping you prepared for an emergency situation.
How do I download the app?
Downloading the app is very easy!
1 Text EMBER to 833-369-3800, or
2. Search for In-telligent on the App Store or Google Play.
3. Complete the simple registration process, search for Mountain Ember Team, and then hit Connect!
You can access the links to the app stores on the Mountain Ember Team homepage: www.mountainemberteam.com
Do I need to be a MET Member to use the app?
No. Anyone is welcome to connect to the app. If you have friends or family that live outside of Painted Cave but would like to be in the know of what’s impacting our neighborhood they are encouraged to download the app too.
If you have any questions or need assistance in downloading the app please email Jenny VanSeters at jennycreative@mac.com. PDF instructions are also attached for your convenience.
Thank you!
Awe, that may be a hint to upgrade to a new thing?
Hi Katey. Thanks for your question. The alerts sent out by the Mountain Ember Team will be regarding incidences impacting Painted Cave only. Consider it as your family or neighbor letting you know about either an emergency, road closure, etc that you would want to know about since it could impact you directly. The most important feature is the override setting, meaning if you have your phone on silence it will still alert you if it is a critical emergency. This would only ever be used in an extreme emergency, such as a fast approaching wildfire. We understand too many messages can dilute a well-intended communication tool, so we would only be sending out messages when it was necessary and about our neighborhood. I hope this helps to answer your question. I'm happy to chat with you more about it if you'd like. Thanks!
Thanks, Jenny for this info. I have a question: I already get so many alerts from SB County, SBCC and others that I'm hesitant to download yet another. Would this allow special alerts from the Mountain Ember Team if, say, I'm downtown and a fire started near PC?
Please join, this is a great resource!!