Around 5pm, Thursday the 26th, a white Dodge minivan entered the neighborhood. Nic came in behind it and it went all the way to the East end of Lookout. It turned around and Nic waited on the road to ask who they were looking for and give directions. The single, white male driver in his early 60's drove right by him. He stopped at Hans' house walked out, walked toward Mary Stanley's, got back in his van and went down Manzanita. By time we got to out to our truck, he was back on Lookout, turning around. We tried to stop him to see who he was looking for, but he drove right by us, with three or four "You Cannot Park Here" stickers partially ripped off the driver side window. We followed him to the tank road. He stopped, we stopped - got out, and he pulled backward back onto PC Rd. toward ECC. We followed him, he went up ECC and we waited. He came down ECC and we stepped out onto the road to ask who he was looking for. He rolled up his window while he was driving, and drove right past us, even though we were asking him to stop.
He continued down ECC to the 154 and turned right, heading toward the Valley. It was not On Trak, UPS, or FedEx. He definitely did not want to talk with anyone in the neighborhood. License plate 71718K3. Similar to this model.

You guys are so sharp! Thank you for keeping an investigative hawk-eye on the community's safety. At least this person knows there are persons here in the community protecting against suspicious, uncommunitive people/vehicles.