Hi all. I know it's been a long time (or 'it's been a minute' as those young whipper snappers say), but we have this resource available to us, and we need to use it. I know the home page is out of date, but we're going to work for the next few days to fix that. We've all been beleaguered by the goings on the past few years and at this point I'm sure we're all exhausted.
Here's the current info:
I'm certain everyone has been able to see the roads. Schools are back open, the airport is open, buses
back up and running. I think the Amtrak service going north is still
shut down.
ECC from 154 to the PC intersection has been totally cleared by County
Roads (we took them two dozen donuts yesterday), they were going to
try to get up today to make the slide below the cave a little less
treacherous, but Jim Stevenson beat them to it! It's now a car's
width on the asphalt, and the mud on the big hairpin coming into the
community is gone. Thank you!
With the first real clear day, I was able to see what CalTrans was
working on at Windy Gap. It looks as though a significant swath of
roadside, north of the cut has collapsed. I can't quite tell if the
fog line went with it, but it would appear that 154 will be closed for
sometime while that is addressed.
It looks like Tuesday will be our first day of a stretch of sunny
days, and there are conflicting reports of rain totals for the next to
systems, but I will leave that to you all to pay attention to.
Here are a list of links that might be of value:

A huge thank you to all that showed up and shoveled, moved rocks, cut brush and set cones at key areas to create a passable path for residents and emergency vehicles.
A fine evening to you all and thank you for all that you do to make
this community so fantastic.