Happy rainy thundery Saturday afternoon.
WOW, what a fantastic day for the Weed Whipping Team as well as the Community, besides almost being run over, today was a true show of spirit and community love!
As the fog refused to leave, so did we, all 16 of us, determined to get the job done.
Here is the break down:
16 Volunteers
43 Volunteer hours
4800' of road clearance, yes 4800', with anywhere from 3-12' off the road
11 Bags of Trash
The Living Room all cleaned up with some fuel mitigation and limbing done
The Basement all cleaned up, again with some fuel mitigation done
Total removal (roots and all) of some of the invasive non-native plants
Trash pick up down Painted Cave Road
We have a few piles of brush to contend with, but I think that will be going to the dump Monday by Jessica and myself.
We found a dump site of Toxic waste (paints, thinners, etc.) which I will call the county for on Monday.
A huge heartfelt thank you to all who braved the weather!!!
We still have more to do, but today was truly spectacular!
Thank you all, Nic and Jessica
So impressed w this community! If only the dang fog would lift so we could see the effects of our hard work 😊