We have our first potential SCE power shutdown, plus a forecast for very high fire danger this afternoon through Saturday night, with hot weather and mid-range intensity Sundowners predicted. SCE has posted warnings of a potential power shutdown for our area on its info website https://www.sce.com/safety/wildfire/psps.
Most or all of you have probably also got the alert through Aware and Prepare alert system. The SCE website is not real helpful in pinning down if and exactly when there may be a power shutdown. We’ll send a message about improving their system.
In the meantime, as a precaution – and a drill – can everyone who is or will be in the community tonight, Saturday and or Sunday respond by email (pseymour@silcom.com) about your availability if we have an incident. Communications will be handicapped quite a bit if the power is off, but at least we’ll know whose door to pound on if anything comes up. Also, this would be a good time to check your battery powered or other night-time lighting options for when the power is off. Stumbling around in the dark or trying to set up your pump with no light could be a real frustrating experience.
Thank you, Phil Seymour
Community Defense Tam