Hi All! Well, it looks like we're in for another round of visiting. It was sporadic starting around November 19, and has, obviously, increased. The last several nights has shown that we have an active Mountain Lion in the community proper for several hours each night. Once I have new printer ink tomorrow (Sunday), my intention is to post the current visitations for each night. The intention is not to scare anyone, but so that everyone is aware.
Until then - here is the number and times of visitations over the last several days. These are time stamps from the two cameras at the mailboxes -
11/30 - 12/1 11:45 pm, 2:19 am, 2:50, 2:52, 5:30, 5:35, 5:46
12/1 - 12/2 10:32 pm, 12:56 am, 4:12, 4:17, 5:08
12/2- 12/3 6:34 pm!, 8:22 pm, 3:43 am
12/3 - 12/4 11:05 pm, 1:58 am, 3:10, 4:31, 5:26
There is speculation that this is a female with a den nearby. Purely speculation, but would explain the behavior.
Here are two links for relevant information. One is regarding what to do should you encounter a mountain lion that has several videos of encounters and what they might look like - along with good advice. The other was sent out by the PC Water Company on how to make the area around your home less inviting.
12/4 - Saturday - entered the community at 8:25 pm. Headed down Manzanita.