A huge thank you to Nick Hart, Erik Norberg, Stu Philkill, Jenny
VanSeters, Doug Hatt, Alan Struebing, and Christian Winnewisser for
not only shoveling out PC Rd, but for also shuttling stranded
residents from their stuck vehicles to the community.
For those of you who are newish around here - If you made it through
the rain/mud event a month ago, the wind event two days ago, the snow
event today, and have a fire scare under your belt... you're golden.
Everything else is a cake walk. Even the tarantula in your living
room, or the skunk on your porch pales in comparison.
An excellent lesson for everyone. Stock up, and keep some extra
things in your car. If you have three days of food in your house, you
might want to bulk up a little bit. Keep a coat, gloves, maybe a
shovel in your car. Not only do we look at weather road closures, but
if there is a fire nearby and they call for a 'mandatory
evacuation'... if you leave your property (or the community), you
can't get back until they lift the evacuation order. Sometimes, they
issue the order even though there is no immediate threat. During the
Zaca Fire in 2007, our evacuation order lasted for at least a week and
the fire was nowhere near us.
Another round of gratitude to all those that threw their hands and
backs into the effort today.
Sleep well and be warm,
A community is strong together!
Thanks Jessica for the shout-out.