An additional 1,350' was cleared on Painted Cave Rd. We have linked up and completed the line between the Living Room (the upper most turnout) and Rocky Roost (where the stone wall is). There was a huge sense of accomplishment. I think we're really starting to find a groove. In honor of the hottest day of the year so far, we managed to come across two rattlesnakes (who harumphed their way into the bushes) and two different fire ant nests, neither of which was as accommodating.
A huge thank you to all that were able to come out the past few weeks. It's been awesome to watch neighbors meet and friendships formed. There has been a lot of laughter among those working, but the best thing has been neighbors driving past - honking, waving, clapping, cheering. We look forward to the days that come, and if you can come play for an hour or two - yay! If not, wave as you go by, and maybe we'll see you the next time.
(I'm going to try to include the map of what has been done so far... This is foreign territory for me, so if it ends up as just a line of text, or a picture of our dog, you'll forgive me.)

It was a grand day, warm, but a grand day, thank you that showed up and as Jessica said, thanks to you that passed by and honked, waved, stopped and gave words of encouragement...THANK you all!!! I Love this mountain and it's wonderful members!