So thankful a community member called it in. European tourists lit a large bonfire at the top of Snyder trail, where the big dead pine tree was. They made a ring, six feet around, flames were 7-8' spewing embers into the pine trees to the south. We put out what we could with a fire extinguisher and a hoe. San Marcos Pass VFD came with water and was able to extinguish the rest of it. We are so thankful for them!!! Engine 13 showed up and help dig out and extinguish it. The two guys were traveling across the country. Had no problem with their giant fires in Arizona.... Fire is out. At the end, they were very apologetic, had no idea there was a big fire here, came up E. Camino Cielo. They'll be taking a tour down on their way to LA tomorrow.
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So grateful to all who responded!
San Marcos Pass VFD are our heroes and angels... they staged a truck in the PC community at the beginning of the Cave Fire, because they knew we were stripped. We are eternally grateful to them.
Thanks! and to SMVFD! Yeah, typical vehicle type fire extinguishers are very limited.
Vehicle/minor camp fire issues - ok. Regarding spreading uphill brush fires - uhh no.
Learned that about 3 years ago with a threat to Painted Cave from 154, while about 20 people
simply stood back on the opposite side of the highway recording it on phones.
Yes, thank you Jessica and Nic, you are truly pillars of our community who go over and above the call of duty. What an example you both are as your dedication inspires me to step up my game.
Dear Jessica,
Thanks for your post. I hate to say it, but this doesn't surprise me. As one who has hiked on all of our treasured roads for decades, I can tell you that "free form" camping has been a worry for me for years. I used to call the Sheriff dispatcher early in the morning on my constitutional hikes if someone stayed in one of the pull outs for more than a few days. Sheriffs often responded. but I eventually gave up over questions concerning constitutional rights to stay in your car (if I had a legal basis for my concerns). Skip ahead until recent years, and I can tell you I am convinced that some web site must say where the Euros can camp in their Sprinters or whatever. Since retiring from Anacapa School, Suzie and I hike much more often on Camino Cielo, so we have witnessed the steady stream of visitors (Euros mostly), who fortunately as a whole are not as clueless as the two dudes who lit the bonfire. This is a real issue.
Thanks for your shout out to the SMVFD. Over the years, their profile has been more modest than the PCVFD, but as far as I am concerned their mettle is proof positive. As the MET steps up to regain the people power and equipment to respond locally, I look forward to the years ahead as we become one San Marcos Pass for all!
Thank you Jessica and Nic for continuously watching over our Mountain!
Thank you so much for being on top of it. So much more a reason for us to have a couple of trucks outfitted with water tanks and pumps. Mine is here loaded with 550 gallons of water should it be needed.
Good to know, a regular sized fire extinguisher lasts about a minute and a half.